Welcome to our Service this morning, which is led by Ken Greer.
You are welcome to join us for refreshments after the service.
Dates and preachers for the coming weeks:
16th February Ken Peden
23rd February Norman Unsworth
2nd March Ruth Wollaston
9th March Sheila Coop
16th March Sammy Spaine
Regular Meetings:
1st Tuesday 10am Events Meeting
2nd Tuesday 2pm Ladies Fellowship
3rd Tuesday 10am Elders Meeting
Friday Coffee Mornings, 10am – 12noon
Sunday Church Services, 10.45am
The funeral of the late Alan Mason
will be on Tuesday 18th February at 11am at Oldham Crematorium,
followed by refreshments at The Puckersley Restaurant.
50 Club Draw
Congratulations! to the winner for January, who is Keith Jackson.
We need a few more members, if you would like to join the club, please see Brenda Bakes.
More members always welcome, £1 per week.
Dates for your Diary
Saturday 15th February – Church Lunch .
At 1pm, £20 each. Please put your name on the list on our notice board if you will be attending.
Tuesday 18th February – A Pancake Evening
Adult charge will be £2.50, All Children are free
29th March – A Spring Coffee Morning,
bacon butties and hot cross buns, 10am – 12 noon.
Tuesday 1st April, An Easter Bingo from 6p,.
Donations of Easter Eggs please.
Future dates for Churches Together Prayer and Soup Lunches, 12 – 1pm:
Tuesday 11th February – Salvation Army Wednesday 19th March – St Mary’s
Thursday 10th April – Holy Trinity Friday 16th May – URC
Monday 16th June – St Saviour’s
There is a new Flower Rota on the wall in the kitchen. If you would like to place some flowers in church to mark a special Sunday, please enter your name on the appropriate date on the calendar.
If you are unable to actually go and buy those flowers and arrange them in church, then this can be done for you. Please speak to an Elder.
URGENTLY NEEDED: Shaving foam, Men’s razors, Ladies deodorant, Toilet rolls, tins of meat, fruit, rice pudding, custard. Please put donations in the box in the foyer.
Jeeves and Wooster, Playhouse 2 Theatre, Monday 17th February at 7.30pm.
This is a Charity Night supporting Shaw Food Band, and In Harmony Singers. Tickets are £12.
See Sue Jackson for Foodbank tickets, or Diane Dunning for In Harmony tickets.
Playhouse 2 Golden Oldies Cinema, starts at 1pm, £5 includes refreshments.
Thursday 13th February – Call Me Madam
Thursday 20th March – Ocean’s 11
Thursday 17th April – State Fair.
Rev Ruth Wollaston is available to be contacted on 0161 628 8760