Welcome to our Service this morning, which is led by Rev. David Ireland.
You are welcome to join us for refreshments after the service.
Dates and preachers for the coming weeks:
1st December Rev Ruth Wollaston
08th December John Nuttall
15th December Christingle Service, Worship Group
22nd December Carol Service, Worship Group
29th December Ian Royle and Graham Heapy
Regular Meetings:
1st Tuesday 10am Events Meeting
2nd Tuesday 2pm Ladies Fellowship
3rd Tuesday 10am Elders Meeting
Friday Coffee Mornings, 10am – 12noon
Sunday Church Services, 10.45am
The First Snowfall – by Todd Allen
Quiet as a snowflake, falling from the sky,
birds and squirrels take shelter, in trees way up high.
Old man winter is here for a while, As the snowflakes makes their piles.
the excitement of the first snowfall of the year,
Makes little children stand up and cheer,
and lets us know winter is here.
50 Club Draw
Congratulations! to the winner for October, who is Jayne Whitehead.
If you would like to join the club, please see Val Buckley. More members always welcome, £1 per week.
Handmade Cards
We have a display of very beautiful handmade greetings cards for sale in the Refreshment Area at the rear of Church.
Cards for all occasions and at very reasonable prices.
Dates for your Diary
Saturday 7th December: Carols and Coffee –
10am to 12 noon with mince pies and apple pies to enjoy with your coffee!
Christmas parcels at £1 each. Donations needed for these please. Please mark for F-female, M-male, C-child.
Entertainment to delight you all, Buckstones Primary School Band at 10.30am, St Mary’s Primary School Choir at 11.15am
Sunday 15th December – Christingle Service
Sunday 22nd December – Carol Service, bring all your friends and neighbours to fill our Church.
Saturday 18th January 2025 – we are having a Church Lunch
27th December, ‘Cinderella’ at the Grand Theatre, Blackpool.
Future dates for Churches Together Prayer and Soup Lunches, 12 – 1pm:
Tuesday 11th February – Salvation Army Wednesday 19th March – St Mary’s
Thursday 10th April – Holy Trinity Friday 16th May – URC
Monday 16th June – St Saviour’s
URGENTLY NEEDED: Shaving foam, Men’s razors, Ladies deodorant, Toilet rolls, tins of meat, fruit, rice pudding, custard. Please put donations in the box in the foyer.
Rev Ruth Wollaston is available to be contacted on 0161 628 8760