Welcome to the Service this morning, which is led by Ruth Wollaston.
Please join us for refreshments after the service.
Dates and preachers for the coming weeks:
22nd September Worship Group – Harvest Festival
29th September Margaret Bywater
6th October Ken Greer
13th October Gillian Surch
20th October Keith Alexander
27th October Ruth Wollaston
Regular Meetings:
1st Tuesday 10am Events Meeting
2nd Tuesday 2pm Ladies Fellowship
3rd Tuesday 10am Elders Meeting
Friday Coffee Mornings, 10am – 12noon
Sunday Church Services, 10.45am
50 Club Draw
Congratulations! to the winner for July, who is Diane Dunning.
If you would like to join the club, please see Val Buckley. More members always welcome, £1 per week.
Handmade Cards
We have a display of very beautiful handmade greetings cards for sale in the Refreshment Area at the rear of Church.
Cards for all occasions and at very reasonable prices.
It’s Pantomime time!!
(Oh no it’s not, oh, yes it is!)
If you would like to see this year’s Pantomime of Cinderella at the Grand Theatre Blackpool on Friday 27th December grab your tickets now!!
Tickets are priced at £34 per person including coach travel but must be booked and paid by Sunday 6th October. Any booking after this date will be £36.
The coach will leave outside the URC at 10am and arrive back at 6pm approx.
Please add your name and number of tickets you would like to the list on the notice board..
Dates for your Diary
22nd September: Harvest Festival,
donations for Shaw Food Bank please, followed by Faith Lunch.
28th September: MacMillan Coffee Morning 10am to 12noon.
Cake stall, and raffle. Raffle prizes needed please, also promises for cakes.
Gifts for £1 parcels, marked for Male, Female or Child. Please wrap if possible.
11th October: Churches Together Soup Lunch (here at U.R.C)
Future dates for Churches Together Prayer and Soup Lunches, 12 – 1pm:
Friday 11th October – URC Monday 4th November – St Saviour’s
Tuesday 11th February – Salvation Army Wednesday 19th March – St Mary’s
Thursday 10th April – Holy Trinity Friday 16th May – URC
Monday 16th June – St Saviour’s
19th October: In Harmony Concert. 2pm – 4pm, tickets £6, see Diane Dunning.
2nd November: Gift & Craft Fair, 11am to 2pm , pork or cheese sandwiches with stuffing or apple stuffing. Thirteen stalls including a home-baked stall.
7th December: Carols and Coffee (to be confirmed), with mince or apple pies with your coffee.
27th December, ‘Cinderella’ at the Grand Theatre, Blackpool.
URGENTLY NEEDED: Shaving foam, Men’s razors, Ladies deodorant, Toilet rolls, tins of meat, fruit, rice pudding, custard. Please put donations in the box in the foyer.
The new rota is now in the kitchen on the wall next to the door.
The following dates are available if anyone wishes to donate the flowers for Sunday Worship
for 22nd September; 29th September; 27th October.
Please speak to any Elder
Rev Ruth Wollaston is available to be contacted on 0161 628 8760