Weekly Activities:
Tuesdays 6pm Rainbows, 6.30 Brownies
Thursdays 7pm Guides
Fridays 10am – 12 noon, Coffee Morning
1st Tuesdays 10am Events Meeting
2nd Tuesdays 2pm Ladies Fellowship
Safeguarding people is a core part of the URC’s mission, and we believe that everyone deserves to be safe. At Shaw and Heyside URC we take our responsibilities towards safeguarding extremely seriously, and take every step to ensure that we are implementing safe practices in everything we do.
Any concerns regarding safeguarding at Church should be directed to our Safeguarding Coordinator – Caroline Clynes on 07876233845 or on [email protected]
Good to see that we have now been able to display our Church Banners in the building. There are three on display;
The YPF banner (young people’s fellowship) was made by Mrs Pearson and Mrs Hilton; the Primary School banner was updated to the United Reformed lettering in 1981 by Mavis Whitehead and Susan Jackson.